Terra Nova Travel

Professional trip designing for the inquisitive, independent and intrepid

Special Group Tours

Bhutan groupNTBG TOURS

Under the official sponsorship of the National Tropical Botanical Garden's (NTBG), tours are designed specifically for garden members. Such exclusive trips are within the realm of possibility. Each trip is customized to suit your particular group's interests, size, budget and traveling style - from camels to land rovers to tuk-tuks!!! For an example of a truly specialized and special tour, click on the NTBG tour links in the menu above.




Choir groups are another realm of expertise. Over the years I have worked with several local choirs and I am the "resident travel agent" for Cantores in Ecclesia. Arrangements can be as "simple" as group airfare or require the detailed organization and coordination of motorcoaches, hotels and occasionally home stays. From a logistical standpoint, as an amateur singer, I also have a insider's perspective as I have traveled as "one of you". I have a working knowledge of the intricacies of children's choirs which in the aftermath of 9-11 now poses new challenges. I invite you to turn to a recent Cantores tour...