Terra Nova Travel

Professional trip designing for the inquisitive, independent and intrepid

Primates Primer 2012

Uganda’s gorillas? Rwanda’s gorillas? Where to visit them, that is the question??? The answer depends upon your disposable income, vacation time and interest. If you have unlimited funds, time and an overwhelming desire, then the obvious answer is to visit both Uganda’s Impenetrable Forest and Rwanda’s Parc National des Volcans. Homo sapiens’ invention, geography boundaries, have little bearing on the mountain gorilla habitat which is essentially the same area.

However, the current status of the transportation infrastructure is not conducive to most modern travelers’ “jet-set” style, unless one literally charters a private plane. Since the majority of modern travelers do have both budget and time constraints, the pragmatic choice is Rwanda’s Parc National des Volcans (PNV). Read more...

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